
Thursday, February 28, 2013

32 Weeks - Squash

8 months!  I'm officially 8 months pregnant and due in just 8 weeks!

32 Weeks - Baby Ball is a Squash, here is a spaghetti squash which I hope is much bigger than he actually is right now!

This past week has been a fun one.  We went to Fort Worth to see one of Dave's childhood friends get married.  The wedding was very cute and fun.  When you can't have a glass of wine at a wedding the most exciting thing is CAKE!  And it was delicious!

Dave and Price

My mother in law, mother of the groom, and Dave

We got home on Sunday in time to see one of our friends baby girls, 1 day old.  She was so cute and it
made me so excited to have one of my own! But a boy of course :)

While I was at the hospital seeing the baby girl, Dave finished the changing table.  It looks awesome!  I can't wait to fill it with decorative baskets and start filling it with diapers!

We also found our dresser this weekend.  It's solid oak, and I'm (well, Dave is) painting it a soft green.  I love it!  Can't wait for it to be done and up there too!

So far I've gained 26 pounds which is still right on track with one pound a week!  I'm still pretty comfortable, at the end of the day am tired, but I don't feel miserably third trimester yet!

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