
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

31 Weeks - Pineapple!

31 Weeks - Pineapple!
I do say that all the weight hit my hips and thighs this week, but not as bad as it looks in the picture!!  Black on black with these unflattering pants was possibly NOT the best idea!!

This week we checked a lot of things off the to do list!
  • Finding a Pediatrician - well, almost.  How do you know if you like a pediatrician if you don't even have a baby yet to see how the doc works in an appointment?? So.. to start off I 
    1. asked friends from the area for recommendations
    2. asked OB for recommendations
    3. checked with insurance to make sure they're In Network
    4. called and scheduled a "prenatal visit"
    5. googled them to see pictures (all doctor's pictures are HORRIBLE!!!)
    6. checked them out on HealthGrades
    7. Then we finally went and met with them.. and...
  •  Well, the first place we went I LOVED the office: bright colors everywhere, a sick entrance, a well entrance, a newborn waiting room.. awesome.  I liked the doctor, but I wasn't sold on her.  She didn't do/say anything bad, but I wasn't blown away.  The second place I went, the office was okay - no sick/well entrance, huge waiting room with lots of toys (germs!!), but I really liked the doctor!  He has kids, dogs,  does triathalons, loves schedules and is pretty blunt about putting you and baby on a schedule - yay!, and answers all of his own phone calls, no nurse is calling you back, he calls you back!  I felt he was so personable, but a friend goes there and doesn't think he's personable.. I'm confused.  What if our kid is with this person for the next 18 years?!  What am I supposed to look for in a pediatrician??  I think I'll meet with one more person and decide. Right now, I like the personable/schedule following guy best.
  • Curtains for nursery - we got them! yay!
Target curtains in Green - I debated on the color, but I think I like this best!
  • Rug for nursery - it's the important things, right?
  • $50 at Garden Ridge, love it!
  • Crib - finally made it, and it's put together and has the adorable bedding on it that my sweet mother in law got us.
  • Baby classes - we're finally all signed up!
Things that are still in progress:
  • Changing table - has a coat of paint on it, soon it'll be up there
  • Dresser - where does everyone on Pinterest find these adorable dressers that are ready to paint?  I can't find any, or everyone in Houston wants $300 for them.. hopefully a lady calls me back today about one.
Last week was busy and good!  Friday we got to hang out with an adorable couple and their 8 week old baby. Dave is starting to look like a natural.

Saturday we got a good workout in and Dave worked on the changing table, yay!  Saturday night I had a girl's night at a friend's house.  They were selling Stella & Dot and I bought this cute gold necklace.  How long before Baby Ball rips it off my neck??

Sunday I helped with a Crossfit Teens competition.  Watching a little 7th grade girl do 15 pullups unbroken was incredible!! 

Then we enjoyed the nice day with a drive in the Camaro, a walk with the dogs, and then had 25-30 people over for a "Sip and See" of the Camaro.  I of course took ZERO pictures... oops.

How Far Along: 31 weeks
Size of the Baby: pineapple
Maternity Clothes:  Yep, lots of workout clothes and lots of sundresses with leggings this week
Stretch marks: None!
Weight gain/loss: 24 pounds, keeps happening at 1 pound a week!
Sleep: yes, but lots of potty breaks
Best Moment of the Week: lots of time with friends before baby!
Movement:  He's really moving!! (especially after sugar..)
Symptoms: hips are starting to ache (I'm "waddling" according to coworkers), swelling some, I feel pregnant :(
Food Cravings: butter.. yep, I love toast, etc right now
Gender: BOY!
Belly Button in or out: out, it's been out since I swear I gained 2 pounds.
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, thank goodness and I think the heartburn was caused by acidic foods
Labor Signs: Nope! But, I don't know if I would know them if I did..
Wedding ring on or off: It's still on sometimes.  I get nervous and take it off and don't put it back it on until I'm sure I'm not swollen.
What I miss: not much right now, I'm just excited about baby!  I do miss being my normal self though, not pregnant.
What I am looking forward to: meeting him!!
Nursery: We have a crib and curtains!! Can't wait for the dresser and changing table soon!
Emotions: Happy!!
Stupid things I have done: After the BBQ I left the vanilla cake with icing on the counter, Buddy (our 2 year old dog) licked all the icing off the top.  To most people that wouldn't be a big deal, but when you're pregnant, you're really sad that the cake is in the trash and you can't have that cake!!!!!


  1. I would say to you that you can plan and pick out a dr. that you think you will like and it might work out great! But, it might not and it doesn't hurt to change. I changed a couple of times with Lizzie because I hated the fact that the dr. office would let the phone ring 20 times before answering the phone! NOT exaggerating! Then I changed dr.'s after we picked out one here because the dr. would not remove Lizzie's tonsils after having strep throat 12 times in one winter!! So, you go with your gut and change if you don't like them! You will find someone you like and personality really does make a difference! Good luck in the next few weeks! They will fly by!

    Dana Collum

    1. Thank you for saying that! It's good to know that people change too, thanks!!
