
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

33 Weeks - Dorian Fruit

Well, I couldn't find a Dorian Fruit this week, so I'm empty handed.

This week has been fun, he's moving!  And I swear I can feel arms and feet and elbows and all.  I don't know what is what but it feels like limbs!

It's Winter Break this week and since it's 80 degrees outside I'm thinking it's more like spring break. But wow has "spring break" changed.  I'm now sitting outside drinking water, reading Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, meeting pediatricians and going to OB appointments!  I've also gotten to take the cute dogs on some walks!  And still of course working out too!

But.. there are other fun things going on too.  I'm getting a massage on a table with a belly cut out - sweet! I CAN'T WAIT! We're having a  big Crawfish boil baby shower


we worked on the nursery, a lot!

We got our rocker (thanks mom and dad!)

And the changing table is upstairs along with some pictures on the wall and a rug down.  It's not complete, but it's getting there!

The OB appointment went well!  Everything is still on track!

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