
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

25 Weeks - Cauliflower

25 Weeks - Cauliflower
Don't mind the workout clothes.. for once I was actually working out while wearing them, instead of just living in them. Lululemon Racerback tank is AWESOME for pregnancy and I hear that it goes right back to normal after too!

The past week has been a fun one, very productive, and got to see lots of friends after the holidays.

Dave has started on the changing table, we're doing a copy cat (except cuter) of the Ultimate Changing Table from Pottery Barn.

I'll definitely post pictures of the actual one soon.

Dave also made this adorable coat rack for our friend.  I think I want to start selling them, they're just too cute not to!

I made a baby blanket for Baby Ball, I got the tutorial from here.  I've made one with the minky dot material and it's soooo soft, but it's really expensive!  I went with fleece instead because it's easier to work with and it's a third of the cost.

After the baby shower for a friend, I got to see another friend's baby (does anyone else feel like the second you're pregnant, everyone you know is having babies or is a mom?!?!)  Anyway, he was SOO cute and it really made me want to meet Baby Ball right now!
We also had a friend's birthday at Lucky Strike, pregnant bowling was interesting, but very fun!  A great weekend with friends!

I'm also very proud of Dave!  He tested into the advanced group at Crossfit.  There's scaled, intermediate, and advanced.  You can only do the workout that's as high as you've tested into.  So along with a muscle up, this was another one of his goals.

The test included:

3 - 135 lb squat cleans with good form
3 - 95lb squat snatches with good form
5 - ring dips
5 - GHD situps
5 - chest to bar pullups
45 second handstand hold

If I could do even one of those I would be VERY happy!!  But... I haven't had to make any more adjustments with what I do while crossfit and pregnant.  I feel very strong right now actually!

Speaking of Crossfit, did anyone see Crossfit all over The Biggest Loser last night?! I would soo want to be on Bob's team!  No thank you on the treadmills!

And - the 4 pounds I gained over the 2 weeks of Christmas/New Years is now 2 pounds!  So, I'm back to my one pound a week! Yay!! I then gained a pound this week so it's 18 pounds total.

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