
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

24 Weeks - Cantaloupe

24 Weeks - Cantaloupe

Last week we announced the baby name, James Charles Ball, after both our fathers.  Apparently when I tagged our parents on facebook it looked like the baby had 5 middle names...oops.  We've also had lots of questions of what we call him.  We think James, but some people are already saying Jim Chuck... oh no.

I remember when I was taking pictures with a little green olive, and now a cantaloupe??  One of my main pregnancy cravings has been fruit, so I'm thrilled that this week's cantaloupe will make some yummy breakfasts and snacks!  The other craving this week is pickled okra - yum - I can't get enough of it!!

Weight gain?  Over the past two weeks I think I've gained 4 pounds so that's a total of 19 in the 24 weeks.  I'm a little afraid of that number but hoping that since all I've done is eat and not exercise for Christmas and New Years that that number will soon change a bit!?

We had such a good time with family this past week.  On New Year's Eve Eve we had a fondue party.  It was so much fun!
Habers - New Years Eve Eve

Balls - New Years Eve Eve

Dave and me!

The whole crew!

Habers and Seiters - New Years Eve Eve

We then drove back on New Years Eve (in snow and rain the ENTIRE way with 2 dogs that were PERFECT!!) and made it in time for a friend's New Year's party.  Fun!  I got the oreo balls out of the freezer and they were a hit again.  Please don't notice that I have very few maternity clothes and am wearing the same thing in most pics..

                                        Actual New Years Eve at midnight!  With my non-alcoholic bubbly!

I read on a friend's blog about her 2013 fitness goals.  Obviously, I can't make any huge goals for the next few months but I can make some post baby goals.  Of course first and foremost it's to have a healthy pregnancy, delivery, and baby.  After that though, she said that she wants to do a muscle up.  Read about that here.  That's one impressive goal!!! So, Dave now has that same goal (if  a girl can do it he can too..) and I would like to be able to do a strict pullup.  I got a couple kipping pullups right before I got pregnant and so a strict pullup is a big goal!!  I'd also like to run a half marathon faster than before, sub 2.5 hours.  I can't really work on those goals right now, but I have them for the future and between now and then I'll continue to safely workout while pregnant!

Nursery?  Yay, the blinds are up in the nursery and we've picked bedding!  While fixing up our house we've now officially replaced every set of blinds in the whole house!  We're done!!

We did wainscoting in the nursery, painted it a pretty gray, and went with a moose, bear, buffalo theme.  So the bedding we chose is Dwell Studio Woodland.  It's neutral and has cute foresty animals on it! Super cute.

This week I hope to pick out a crib and get started!

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