
Thursday, December 27, 2012

23 weeks - grapefruit

23 weeks - grapefruit!

Baby Ball is moving!! It's been so fun to feel him and be surrounded by family who get to feel him too!

This week was Christmas day so I couldn't go to the grocery store for the fruit, that's okay though.  We got a bear and 3 generations (4 in belly) to hold the letters. Me, my mom's mom, my mom, Dave's mom, my dad's mom.  Not the best pic in the woods and snow, but it works!

We also announced the name! Baby Ball will be named after his two grandfathers, Dave's dad and my dad, James Charles Ball. Doesn't sound like a baby name, but more like a CEO right??

I have no clue how much weight has been gains this past week, it's been filled with lots of yummy food and ice which means zero working out for the preggo.  At least we got a white Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

22 Weeks - Papaya

Baby Ball is the size of a Papaya this week!

He's growing and starting to finally move, which is so fun!! At our ultrasound today his little feet were above his head, how cute?!  I still am surprised each time I feel him move.  I'm up 15 pounds and that's one pound a week which is great!

On good news, my placenta is back where it should be, so we're good to go!! Yay!!!!!

This past week was busy, I was overwhelmed with the generosity of students and we went to Peter Pan as a gift from a student.  It was so nice to have a date night!! And Cathy Rigby was incredible!!

This past weekend we had a Christmas party filled with yummy food and good people, I love this season!  It's so fun to of course remember the reason for the season, and to spend great time with the people we love! 

We also celebrated an early Christmas together filled with all kinds of good maternity stuff.... lululemon and Toms, my favorite!! And for Dave he got his band saw, I had no idea how many fun things he can make with that!! On a side note about maternity.. Old Navy has the best sale section!!! (along with Target, where I got the cute dress from above!!)  Any other good stores I'm missing out on?  Afterall, Forever 21 and JC Penny got rid of their maternity section :(

How cute is little Callie?   I call her the 3rd child.. no pictures.. no stories...  poor 3rd dog.   She had this awful allergic reaction and the medicine made her depressed, hopefully she'll feel better soon!

And.. as far as house stuff goes, Dave built the beautiful buffet and I finally got a mirror for above it!  I LOVE it!!!!!!

Sorry for all the rambles!!  Pregnant brain?!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

21 Weeks - Pomegranate

Well now we're OVER halfway there! Yay!!

21 Weeks - Baby Ball is the size of a pomegranate.  I have a special place in my heart for pomegranates because my junior year of college I spent a semester in Granada, Spain which means pomegranate. 

This week was busy!  My in-laws were in town and we had 3 Christmas parties!  On Friday night I fit into a cocktail dress that was from pre-pregnancy, woohoo!! Not sure if I could breathe all night, but I rocked the cocktail dress and heels.  At about 10pm my legs were done and we went home, but hey - it was fun while it lasted.
(the two pregnant Crossfit girls)

We also had 2 Christmas parties on Saturday night, my hubby went to the army one in the middle of the woods.... and I went to the Crossfit one.  The sweater dress is also not maternity, but there is NO hiding that outtie bellybutton!

This week apparently Baby Ball is eating lots of amniotic fluid and so his tastebuds will be similar to what I've been eating.  It's Christmas, which means lots and lots of sugary treats.  I've tried to sprinkle in the veggies too though.  Peppermint bark and pretzels with m&ms to name a few...

I'm so relieved that this week I met with my boss and so maternity leave is all figured out and Dave had some fun things at his job this week, so some of the nervous things for the Spring are starting to fall into place.

We're really anxious about the ultrasound on Tuesday, hoping it was just a full bladder! 

Last night we made the delicious Chicken Spedini and had a relaxing night of Christmas movies (the Texans were losing really bad..), but we had forgotten just how yummy our hometown favorite meal was!

I've gained 14 pounds as of 21 weeks, which is still just a pound a week so I'm happy about that!  Our Crossfit is starting a little CrossfitMom class for us preggo girls so we can be pushed the right amount! Very fun!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

20 weeks - banana

20 Weeks - Banana

Little guy is the size of a banana this week! And.. we're halfway there! Yay!! And.. I feel HUGE!

Yesterday Kate Middleton announced that she was indeed pregnant, and then 20 different people  roceeded to tell me that as well.  Well, maybe not 20 but close.  We got married at the same time (Spring 2011) and are pregnant at the same time.  I do feel bad for her though with the awful morning sickness!!

On Friday we had our doctor's appointment and good news, Baby Ball is one healthy guy.  All of his organs are in the right spot and the right size, that's the best news ever.
One concern is the placement of my placenta.  I'm REALLY hoping that my bladder was just too full and so they couldn't see the bottom of the placenta.  My bladder was full and I looked like a mental patient just before the ultrasound because I was so uncomfortable and loopy.  On good news, the doctor didn't tell me to stop doing anything and we have another ultrasound in 2 weeks to see what's going on there.  So, I'll keep hoping and praying!  If you google placenta previa you see that 1 in 200 pregnancies have this.  A lot of them fix themselves and if not, then those mommas go on bed rest, c section, premature labor, etc.  But it's too early to tell right now.

As far as everything else in pregnancy goes, I'm feeling great!  I had some back pain last week but I switched my desk chair and that seems to have helped. 

I've gained 13 pounds so far which is on the upper end of where it should be, but that's okay.  I still feel good!  And the ice cream always tastes good.. :)  or the oreo truffle balls that I made this weekend!

Fingers crossed on the placenta and that the next few weeks are as easy as the last few weeks have been!

This weekend I worked a tiny bit on the nursery, here's the idea so far... more to come.  Basically, I don't like most bedding out there so I'd like to make my own theme.  My dad built me a wooden moose when I was little and Dave's family have had buffalo on their ranch for years.  So, it's a moose, bear, buffalo theme.

Dave and I were Christmas shopping this weekend and he found this... UGH... I guess it's going in little man's nursery...... hmm.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Oreo Truffle Balls

Yum, here is something that isn't about babies for a bit!

These are some of my favorite treats to bring to a Christmas party, they're so yummy and delicious!

You'll need

- 1 package oreos
- 1 package cream cheese
- 1 package vanilla or any flavor melting chocolate

I usually double the recipe.  You can freeze these ahead of time so they're ready when you need them!

Start by crushing the oreos.  I use a food proccessor and you don't need to separate them at all.

Mix crushed oreos with package of cream cheese.

Roll them into balls and refrigerate or freeze for a bit.

Melt the dipping chocolate.  Dip the oreo balls in that.

Refrigerate until you need them!  Yum!!!!