
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

21 Weeks - Pomegranate

Well now we're OVER halfway there! Yay!!

21 Weeks - Baby Ball is the size of a pomegranate.  I have a special place in my heart for pomegranates because my junior year of college I spent a semester in Granada, Spain which means pomegranate. 

This week was busy!  My in-laws were in town and we had 3 Christmas parties!  On Friday night I fit into a cocktail dress that was from pre-pregnancy, woohoo!! Not sure if I could breathe all night, but I rocked the cocktail dress and heels.  At about 10pm my legs were done and we went home, but hey - it was fun while it lasted.
(the two pregnant Crossfit girls)

We also had 2 Christmas parties on Saturday night, my hubby went to the army one in the middle of the woods.... and I went to the Crossfit one.  The sweater dress is also not maternity, but there is NO hiding that outtie bellybutton!

This week apparently Baby Ball is eating lots of amniotic fluid and so his tastebuds will be similar to what I've been eating.  It's Christmas, which means lots and lots of sugary treats.  I've tried to sprinkle in the veggies too though.  Peppermint bark and pretzels with m&ms to name a few...

I'm so relieved that this week I met with my boss and so maternity leave is all figured out and Dave had some fun things at his job this week, so some of the nervous things for the Spring are starting to fall into place.

We're really anxious about the ultrasound on Tuesday, hoping it was just a full bladder! 

Last night we made the delicious Chicken Spedini and had a relaxing night of Christmas movies (the Texans were losing really bad..), but we had forgotten just how yummy our hometown favorite meal was!

I've gained 14 pounds as of 21 weeks, which is still just a pound a week so I'm happy about that!  Our Crossfit is starting a little CrossfitMom class for us preggo girls so we can be pushed the right amount! Very fun!

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