
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

13 Weeks - Peach!

13 Weeks - Baby Ball is a Peach!! October 16, 2013

WOOHOO! Some say we're in the 2nd trimester, some don't. Either way we're past the 12 weeks!!

Dave and I are still sooo excited! 

I've been doing stuff around the house and loving decorating.  We had this awful spot above the front door and I had no idea what to do with it.  My girlfriend, Erin, came over for dinner and she said to hang some rod iron pieces from Hobby Lobby up there. It looks awesome!!!  Erin is owner of "Style Spies" and she does wardrobe consulting, she's awesome.
(the ugly before empty space - with my cute grandma)

                                                         (after, so much cuter!  Minus the storm door..)

Gotta love Dave, he's been out of town off and on the past couple weeks and the minute he came home he was nice enough to hang curtain rods, shelves (after the painting) and those iron pieces. I'm one lucky girl that he's so willing to work!

At one of my multiple trips to Hobby Lobby this week a lady said "it's a boy". I looked around and realized she was talking to me! She told me she's had 7 kids and I'm definitely carrying a boy. (I agree with her) I guess I really am showing... I've gained 4 or 5 pounds which is more than I should have so far, so hopefully I don't become super fat.  Maybe it's just because I haven't had nausea...who knows!!

Tomorrow my parents come  in town and we can't wait to see them!  Pics to come..

Last weekend I also ran a 5K mud run with some awesome girls from CrossFit.  They were nice enough to go slow for me and I did most of the obstacles!  Just no climbing cargo nets that were a couple stories in the air.

Baby Ball is already getting spoiled too with "gender - neutral" clothes.. soooooo cute!

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