
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

6 Weeks!

Friday, August 24 - 6 weeks!!

6 weeks pics - yes, I know I'm in a sports bra, but I wanted a pic for myself for post pregnancy motivation. And.. Everyone sees us in workout clothes and swimsuits anyway, so it's not that big of a deal!

How Far Along: 6 weeks!
Size of the Baby: Baby Ball is a pea!
Maternity Clothes: Not yet
Stretch marks: Not  yet
Weight gain/loss: 0
Sleep: I just started getting up in the middle of the night.  I had no idea this would start so soon!!
Best Moment of the Week: We're getting super excited to hear a heartbeat next week! (and nervous too)
Movement: of course not
Symptoms: Odors!!!  I think I've always thought pregnant ladies were crazy for saying they smell everything.  Well, it's true.  I know who needs deodorant, who needs some gum, everything!  And I was walking dogs at the shelter and everywhere smelled like dog pee.  I then realized, duh, I'm pregnant.
Food Cravings: None!
Gender: don't know, but apparently this whole "no morning sickness" thing is a sign of a boy.  We'll see if that holds true.
Belly Button in or out: Still have a weird belly button :)
Anything making you queasy or sick: The dog pee, that made me almost nauseous
Labor Signs:  of course not.
Wedding ring on or off:  Off. I just wear random rings on my ring finger.
What I miss:  Sushi was what I wanted this week.
What I am looking forward to: Next week we have our doctors appointment and get to tell Dave's parents, yay!
Nursery:  Still is the junk room
Emotions: This week I'm less emotional than last week.
Stupid things I have done: Everyone calls it the "pregnant brain" so everytime I do something silly, I blame it on this.  Not sure if it's true though.

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