
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

12 weeks - plum

12 weeks - Plum - October 9, 2013

Yay for energy!! Even though I'm not quite through my first trimester, the "flip has switched" and the majority of the exhaustion is gone!! Everyone said this would happen, and it has!!

We've had a busy weekend of a fun rehearsal dinner and wedding for our good friends Carrie Jo and Shawn. The wedding was gorgeous and had a great band, lots of fun! And - I fit in my cocktail dress!

I obviously hadnt had a sip of alcohol and so on Sunday when we woke up I was ready to work. I started taping off the guest room to paint it, and by the end had Dave's and our friend Brittany's help! I'm not so sure that was their idea of fun the morning after a good wedding. They were great help!!

This week is "fall break", our school has a lot of breaks! So I've used those days off to get a bunch done around the house! I just painted the hall too! We don't know the gender, so can't station the nursery quite yet..

Question- is this the normal nesting?? I think it's supposed to come later on... Oh well!!

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