
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

11 weeks - Lime

11 Weeks - Baby Ball is a lime! October 2, 2012

I'm starting to look like I ate a couple too many pieces of pizza.  I've gained 2-3 pounds but have a little itty bitty bump.  Clothes are starting to fit a little tighter.

On Friday we got to hear the heartbeat!  How fun!  162 beats/minute.  I hope that's good. 

The nurse came in and after getting me all ready for an ultrasound she came back in and said "oops" it's time to hear the heartbeat.  She fumbled around and after what felt like FOREVER she found it.  She then screamed that it was the first time she's ever found it.  Why does she do that job then?!  I can't imagine how those other pregnant ladies have felt when she left the room to go get the doctor!!  Oh well, we heard it, and it was awesome!!!

We also gave our moms the "go ahead" to tell their close friends.  They were so excited and all the fun emails that have been running around are great.  I told my family too and  I guess 2 months ago in Wisconsin they all knew somebody was pregnant but not sure who.  I guess there was "a vibe".

Have you seen the BabyGarvin blog where the cute mom does the adorable chalkboard things each week?  Well, I decided to go to Hobby Lobby to do something similar and then remembered that I am not an artist so I picked something else.  I bought some letters and numbers and scrapbook paper and modge podged it all together and here we have it.  I think it looks pretty good! And Dave is one good photographer too, he's such a good sport.

I'm still not really liking beef during pregnancy, but I'm getting more energy, so life is good!!

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