
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

14 Weeks - lemon - DIY letters for weeks

14 weeks - lemon - October 23, 2012

I'm still not quite sure how a lemon is bigger than a peach but that's okay.  I've been using the same site each time too so that it makes sense.. oh well!

This week has been a big week!  The secretiveness (or lack there of ) is totally gone!  I met with my boss who was wonderfully supportive, and the students realized it on the same day but they were sweet enough to keep their mouths shut until my boss knew.  After that, it was out in the open.

High schoolers are soo darn cute.  A freshmen thinks that I got pregnant last weekend and should already know the gender of the baby, wow.  If only that's how it worked - wouldn't be that great?!  Skip the first trimester, and go straight to the fun gender knowing 2nd trimester of fun? Count me in!!

I've officially switched to maternity clothes, and if one more person tells me "already?!  My friend never wore maternity clothes" I'm going to scream.  Yes, I look pregnant. No, I'm not fat, and yes, I'm only 14 weeks.  5 pounds up and NONE of my work pants fit.  Tell me about it, I wish I didn't have to wear maternity clothes either. Dave has been THE most supportive person ever.  He's going to be one great dad! 

Last week mom and dad came in town and it was so great to see them.  I'm a horrible daughter and have zero pictures with them, well, we have one picture - but it is not cute.  It's a blurry cell phone pic.

I'm still working out and feeling great!  Sometimes I forget I'm pregnant and have to remind myself to slow down in a workout.  The crossfit coaches are awesome and remind me of that too :)

We have a doctors appointment next week and I can't wait to see the updated pic of Baby Ball!!

And how did we make the "14 week" signs?

At Hobby Lobby I got the big paper letters, scrapbook paper and modge podge.  Choose scrapbook paper that is DARKER than your walls.  oops.

Put the numbers/letters face down on the scrapbook paper.  Trace them and then cut them out.

Put modge podge on the letter and put scrapbook paper on the letter/number.  Let dry completely.

Go back and put modge podge on top of the scrapbook paper.

Then, you're done! Pretty cute, right?!

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