
Friday, August 30, 2013

4 Months - James

James is 4 months!  At the doctor today I saw a 3 week old and at a dinner last night saw a 6 week old and they look SO little.  Everyone said "they grow up so fast" and it's so true!

Here's what's new since his 3 month update:
  • He now puts EVERYTHING in his mouth.  The doctor said that doesn't necessarily mean he's teething, he just loves putting things in there.
  • He loves his reflection in the mirror and gets really excited to play with the baby in the mirror.
  • He reaches for everything!
  • We turned him around in the Baby Bjorn and took him out of his carseat for walks in the stroller.
  • We'll start on rice cereal, he's in the 79% for height, 27% weight, 21% head.. he's a tall skinny boy!!  He's wearing 9 month clothes.
  • He's figuring out the different toys, jumperoo, etc.

I did a silly thing, I took James to the doctor because he had woken up from his naps crying.  I know that sounds crazy to take him to the doctor for, but the boy NEVER cries.  So when he was fussy I took him in since it was almost the weekend.  End of the story is there was nothing wrong, I guess he was just unhappy for a couple days.

I think the nurses thought I was crazy.  He was so happy there!

This past week, Dave's parents were in town.  I think James enjoyed
getting spoiled and staying up late :)
Hanging out with grandpa
hanging out with grandma

And now for the pictures..

Helping dad in his workshop.
Smiling for grandma Schatzi.
Big boy in the stroller

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