
Monday, July 8, 2013

10 weeks - Road Trip!!

We've been on a 2 week road trip and wow, it's been busy!

It all started with me getting CrossFit certified!!

My cousin Danielle spent the weekend with James while hubby was in Sweden!

Danielle pinching cheeks!

We then started the road trip where James went to 11 states and probably met 50+ people of family and friends.

1. Texas
2. Louisiana
3. Alabama
4. Mississippi 
5. Tennessee
6. Georgia
7. Kentucky
8. Illinois
9. Missouri
10. Kansas
11. Oklahoma

So we started in New Orleans and James partied on Bourbon St, went to Cafe Du Monde, and Pat O Briens.
At Cafe Du Monde 

At Pat O Briens

From New Orleans we went on to Tennessee where he met his great grandma, went on a double decker bus (the owner was Dave's college friend), went to Jack Daniels distillery, and met 30+ other family members.
Rufus and the double decker bus!
Meeting great grandma!
Meeting the twins - Kevin and Kara
Uncle lee
Uncle Jason!

During the road trip we have had multiple Dairy Queen blizzards, so much for losing the baby weight!!

After Tennessee mom and I drove to Kansas City where James met many more family members and friends, ran around the ranch, saw fireworks, celebrated 4th of July, had a sip and see, swam in a pool, finally got to see his dad again, started smiling and talking a LOT! and got baptized!
Meeting great grandma!
Meeting Nichole!
Big boy with his legs crossed and tennis shoes on at sip and see!
Talking and smiling!
Meeting Harper!
Playing with cousin Madeleine and grandmas
Before baptism!
Talking with great - grandma!
Trying the pool!
Swimming in the pool with daddy!

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