
Tuesday, June 18, 2013

7 weeks old!

We had a great week!  Many of the things I didn't take pictures of though, darn!!

On Tuesday night, several girls and I went and saw the musical, FlashDance.  We had so much fun, and wow - those dancers were incredible.  I wish I had half the energy they do!!

On Wednesday, I got cleared to workout, woohoo!! I had started working out at about 4.5 weeks, I couldn't stay home any longer.  I tried to take it easy, but it's hard not to go high intensity.  Well, I now have zero restrictions and everything healed properly, so I'm good to go!  Yay!!

One thing that is frustrating though, is I'm back to day one as far as the weights go.  I'm doing less weight on some things than I was 9 months pregnant.  On other things, I'm doing better than expected.  I'm just happy to be back in the gym.

Squat cleans after I was cleared to workout!

James still isn't really smiling, but I think he's getting close.  Every once in awhile I see one of these :)

We call Buddy nanny Buddy, he's always looking after James.

I don't know if this is a Houston baby with no clothes on, or after he spit up on the 4th outfit, I decided he could stay in his diaper for awhile..

Nanny Buddy... and naked baby.. who HATES tummy time!!

Another "half smile"

We were overdue for the vet with both dogs, I guess having a baby does that.  So I went to the vet with my crazy dogs, and the baby.  Oh dang.  But it actually went pretty well!! I did choose to go two separate days though, wasn't sure about 2 dogs and baby and vet.

Sweet James still loves the monkey.

On other news I'm 6 days in of eating dairy, and 13 days of eating eggs! I know that eggs are no problem!! I don't think dairy is a problem either, YAY!!!  We're still waiting to see though..

Other things this week that I didn't take pictures of...
Neighborhood Crawfish boil Friday night - lots of fun
Date night Saturday night - babysitter did great, again!
Father's Day Sunday 

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