
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

28 Weeks - Eggplant

What a fun week!  Today is the start of 7th month and 3rd trimester, wow!!! So crazy.

I have gone on the record many times saying that I HATE baby showers.  I always say that no one wants to watch anyone open gifts for 2 hours, measuring bellies, and drinking non-alcoholic punch.  Well.... I'm eating my words.  I had such a great shower this weekend thanks to great friends and family.  Nichole really did a great job!!

Here were a few things that made it so great:

1) Friends and family from all over came in for the shower.  I wish I could have seen them longer, there just wasn't enough time to get to see all of them as much as I wanted.

2) Books!  Every person brought a book instead of a card and now Baby Ball has a stocked library.  I LOVE IT!!

3) This guest book! How cute is this?!  I love the idea!!!  They stamped and signed what day they think Baby Ball will be here.

4) What will future baby look like?  The magazine clipping artwork was awesome.. and apparently everyone hopes he looks/acts just like his dad. (hunting, camo, athletic, wine, and whiskey) .. I hope he has his dad's characteristics but looks like a kid, so I chose this one.

5) this cake..because who doesn't love a cookie cake??

6) The weekly pictures were hung, so cute

Favorite gifts??

1) the books

2) this handmade blanket/quilt made my best friend since I was 4 years old.. who I like to run half marathons with.. she's awesome!  Tummy time on this will be perfect!! (and it's in the shape of a dog.. she started me on rescue dogs!)

3) 4th generation baby blanket!  It's pink I know, but it was used by my grandfather (who baby is named after), his brother, my great Uncle, who married us! and my dad and his brothers.  My grandmother also used this baby blanket on all of us grandkids.  I love this!! And who cares that it's pink?  Apparently in the 20s pink and blue wasn't such a big deal

4).... THIS DIAPER BAG!  OMG, I love this bag.  Is it super practical? Who knows! But.. it's beautiful, and I can't wait to carry this around!!  I might start using it as a purse early..  Dave can now have his manly man diaper bag because I'll be taking this one around!

Pregnancy this week.. still at crossfit, haven't made any more modifications.  Some Kettle Bells to get around my belly, but still feeling great!

I passed my Glucose test!! Woohoo, so I got to eat that awesome cake!

I've evened out after all the vacations and am at 20 pounds gained which is right on track!

My awesome husband, who I like to brag on because he doesn't do it himself, is in the process of making this beautiful changing table. I can't wait to put it in Baby Ball's room!!


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