
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

27 Weeks - Rutabaga - Charleston, SC!

This week The Bump says Baby Ball is the size of a Rutabaga... but... that's only half a pound and he weighs 2 pounds so I'm very confused!

This week we were very blessed to have my parents take us on a trip to Charleston, SC along with my sister and brother in law and Dave's parents came too which made it one big family trip.  It was such a great time and really the perfect trip as the last trip before baby!  Charleston is special to us too because Dave went to college there and a year or so into us dating we went there on a vacation and I swear it's where we fell in love.  Okay, maybe not, but... it was a good trip too!

We stayed on Folly Beach which had pros and cons.  The pros were that it was beautiful, a beautiful house, great fun to go on morning walks, drink coffee on the porch (half decaf of course..), and great views of the beach.  The only con was that we missed out on evening walks in downtown Charleston.

We had a busy trip filled with lots of stories, history, and tons of rich food.

We started on Friday with lunch on Kings Street then headed to the Citadel (where Dave went to college).  We got to walk around there and then see a parade.  It was the first time Dave had ever watched the parade too rather than participating.
 Dave doing log PT
 Citadel Parade
Citadel Parade

Peeking in some of the barracks

Looks like somebody messed up...

That evening we went to Bowen's Island on Folly Beach where most had raw oysters and Dave was sad that the old place had burned down and so it was a little classier than it used to be.

Saturday morning we started with breakfast at Lost Dog on Folly Beach, which turned out to be our go to place for breakfast.  We then went on a Carriage Ride to see downtown Charleston.  Afterward we walked through the market and ate at an Irish Pub (lots of eating, right?!)  After lunch, we got on a boat to Fort Sumter (I didn't even get sick!) and saw Fort Sumter.  That evening we tried numerous different restaurants, actually walked out of one, oops, because they were out of everything!  Our choices were the flounder or the grouper and they were out of the grouper.  Soo.. we ended up at The Crab Shack with more fried food!

Ready for our Carriage Ride
Headed out on the carriage

Our mules names were Carter and Cash.. after June and Johnny.. and they bickered, it was cute.

One of the many pretty churches in Charleston.

 Many pretty homes.
On the boat to Fort Sumter

I promise there were dolphins under there!

Seagulls following the boat.

My cute husband.

Jim, dad, mom, Erin at Fort Sumter

Jim and Schatzi at Fort Sumter

The two of us on Fort Sumter

Sunday morning we went on a walk on the beach and it felt like Dave and I got a little bit of a "babymoon", walking on the beach, 6 months pregnant, and enjoying the scenery was awesome.  It was such a pretty day that we all came back and had coffee on the patio and enjoyed the weather.  We tried to have lunch downtown and ran into bad food and service again, but that's okay!

On a morning walk.  Wow, I look rough..

My favorite part of Charleston is the Battery.  We all had fun walking along the Battery, through Battery Park and seeing the pretty old houses.  We happend upon the Calhoun Mansion, went on a tour, which happened to be 24,000 square feet of crap!  Not really, but this guy is a hoarder of expensive things.  They say that the family actually lives there, but I find that hard to believe.  We went from the Calhoun Mansion to the Hunley and had this adorable old guy as our tour guide.  It was neat to see something being worked on and to see a bit of history and speculate what exactly happened.

Imagining being in the Hunley.. that's a tight fit!

Later that night we ended at a rooftop bar on Market St, then Carolina's for dinner (which was a great dinner) and then Big John's, Dave's favorite dive bar, where he found his army name plate from 10 years ago.  Very fun!

Rooftop Bar, everyone enjoying a drink.  

Monday morning my sister and I got up for a sunrise walk (can you believe we actually woke up?!), then breakfast again at Lost Dog.  Erin loves bridges, so we made it over the Cooper River Bridge (I would love to do that half marathon!) and then the boys saw the Yorktown while the girls walked the bridge.  Then headed home!
Erin's and my sunrise walk - gorgeous!!

More pretty views.

 Mom and Erin on the Cooper River Bridge

Cooper River Bridge

Overall, it really was the perfect last trip before baby!!

I was sick all last week and believe it or not I did find some time to rest in between all that on this trip.  Today I had my glucose test, so fingers crossed that all comes back okay!  I've gained a couple pounds on the trip, oops, and next doc appt is now in 3 weeks.   Can't believe they're already moving up!  So crazy!

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