
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

I want a Landlord again

So Dave and I were lucky enough to buy a house in March, 2011.  I called it my birthday present.  It was perfect, it needed a little bit of help, but it was our first home and I was so excited!!  I had this idealistic view that everything would be perfect in it.  We'd never have to replace anything or fix anything, wow was I wrong! I soon found out that homeownership isn't as much fun as I had imagined. 

The week before Christmas, the week of our Christmas party actually, we noticed water on the floor.  Our first thought was it was an ice cube that had melted, then we thought it was the fridge leaking, then we realized the worst.  A pipe had broken underneath our entryway.  Here in Texas we don't have basements so the only place for the water to go was up.  There was water in our closet, entryway, dining room, office, and family room.  We "abandoned" that waterline and re-routed the waterline through the front of the house and up and over.  This resulted in days of no water, no carpet pads, fans in the house, and large holes in the ceilings and walls!  (Did I mention Christmas party that week?!)   I looked at Dave and just said "I want a landlord again." 


(fans trying to dry everything out)

So here we are now with workers in the house, a WONDEFUL mother-in-law flown in to look after everything, and holes in the ceiling quickly being fixed.  I'm anxiously awaiting the new look.  I'll be sure to post pictures of the process.

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