
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Everything is going to be alright!

As you know I freaked out over the water flooding up through the floor.  I have a tendency to do that.  Dave and I talked after about how one of us needs to be the calm one in these situations.  He goes straight to thinking the worst of it all, and I just sit there quietly taking it all in.  So I guess it will take the next disaster to see who can be the positive, "stay calm" person!  (or not...)

I have to brag on the workers who came to the house, they were wonderful!!!  I've always heard horror stories about contractors, and ours were amazing.  Take a look at the work they did - it's pretty great too!

Gorgeous wood floors, fresh coat of paint.

Another view :)

Look at the edge there, you'd never know that had been a huge puddle!

Where the giant hole had been from above - these guys were amazing!

And a fresh coat of paint here too!  Don't mind the mess....

Now question - how can they do it so fast??  3 days and they got all of that done!  It takes Dave and me days and days just to paint one room...

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