
Thursday, October 31, 2013

6 months

Yesterday James turned 6 months old.  I can't believe he's over halfway through his first year!! Time really does fly!!

He's been

  • eating rice cereal
  • rolling over both ways
  • sleeping on his belly
  • loves his jumper in the doorway
  • smiles constantly
  • really focuses in on all objects
  • sits up with support
He's 16lb10oz and 27" tall. Tall and skinny.. With super cute rolls :)

He was a little monster for Halloween

I met 3 of my "2013" goals this past month

I ran a half marathon.. in the rain.. and met one of my goals - to run a sub 2:30 half.  That might not be fast for most, but I was so excited!!!!  I did it in 2 hours and 25 minutes!!

Another goal was to nurse for 6 months, and I met that goal too and am still going.  

I also lost 30 pounds from pregnancy and am down to my goal weight!!!

I spent time with lots of high school friends in October and it was great!!!
Dave has been busy traveling with his job.

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