
Monday, August 12, 2013

3 months!

My grandma always tells me that 3 months is so fun and they grow up over night.

It's SO true!!

I feel like I need to write this down before I forget!

Here's what James is up to at 3 months:
  • He smiles constantly, and flirts now too.
  • He can lift his butt up now, instead of just his head!

  • He has a grip on everything now, and soaked the whole bathroom.  It was funny.

  • He LOVES his feet.  He really likes his right foot and is starting to find his left foot too.

  • He has started to figure out he has a tongue and sticks it out.
  • He can yell, and likes to yell just to hear himself.
  • He can now see/focus on colors. It's like his whole world is new now, and he looks at everything!
  • He has rolled over a couple times, but mainly just likes to lay on his side.  He's pretty content stopping there.
  • He sleeps 12-13 hours EVERY night, and many times I have to wake him up in the morning.
  • He just moved to eating every 4 hours, and takes 3 naps a day, morning, mid-day, and an evening "cat nap".
  • He cries sometimes when you walk away (which I secretly love that he wants us there all the time!)
  • He can lift his head up for long periods of time!

Such a fun age!!

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