
Thursday, May 30, 2013

1 month!

I can't believe that James is one month already!  A few things about him over the past couple weeks...
He loves his "wub a nub" - that holds his pacifier.

And Sophie the giraffe.

Dave made this for James/me as part of  an anniversary gift.  I LOVE it!!

He's one month old today!!

When James is cranky, we put him in the baby bjorn and it calms him down pretty well.

My parents just got back from Guatemala, and got him these cute letters too!

Flowers for anniversary - Happy 2 years, Dave!

The high school I taught at had graduation, fun!

Grandpa Jim came to town.

Dave did "Murph" on Memorial Day - 1 mile run, 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 squats, 1 mile run.
On the way back from Guatemala James and I saw my parents - too cute.

So far it seems the reflux medicine, no dairy no eggs, and more of a sleeping schedule are helping James.  We'll see how he does the rest of today!

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