
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

39 Weeks - Watermelon

I can't believe, once again, how far along in the pregnancy I am!  And a WATERMELON? No pregnant woman wants to think about her baby being the size of a watermelon, and labor... oh well.

I think this was bigger than he is, I hope.  I couldn't really hold it with one hand.

So, my doctor who doesn't think I'll go past my due date now has me set up for an ultrasound at 40 weeks to check how baby is doing.  After that she'll induce if he's not doing well or she'll wait until 41 weeks to induce.  I don't like the sound of inducing labor, but I also don't like the sound of still being pregnant in a few weeks!  So, I hope he makes an entrance soon!

This week's appointment said 2.5 cm dilated, 70% effaced, and -1, all of those things are a step in the right direction!

Last week was hard because it was my last week as a teacher for a very long time.  I feel blessed to be able to stay home with him, but right now it just seems odd to not be working and not have a baby here.  It's making the time go by rather slowly!  I will very much miss teaching and who knows, maybe I'll go back to it someday.  We'll see!

I left a wonderful school and really my dream job, they were SO sweet when I left.

Check out the TV monitor!

And look at all the ADORABLE little boy clothes they gave me.  They had given me tons of newborn clothes, so I kept some of them but exchanged for bigger sizes.  If little James is like me then he may never wear newborn clothes.. we'll see!

I think he'll be a preppy boy just like his dad :)

Last night we had another "last date night" at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants, El Tiempo, and of course - forgot to take a pic - oops!

Dave also hung some curtains, doesn't it look better?!



And I got the privilege of watching our friend's twin boys.. don't the dogs look ready for babies?!?

With not working I have lots more energy and so I've gotten some great workouts in over the last few days.  My doctor still says it's okay, so I'll keep doing it!  I've gained 34 pounds which is still within the suggested 25-35 pounds or 30-40 for underweight..  so 34 at 39 weeks is perfect for me!

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