
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

37 Weeks - WinterMelon

37 weeks - full term baby!!

Please excuse the picture, it was taken first thing this morning and I look like I just woke up.. UGH!!

I had a doc appointment yesterday and baby is doing great!  I'm 2cm dilated and still 50% effaced.  When I asked what her predictions were she said she really doubted that I'd go past my due date.  But.. he can do whatever he wants!!

I definitely feel pregnant!  Not to complain but... achy hips, cramps, EXHAUSTED!!

I'm due in 3 weeks and my last day of work is next Thursday, unbelievable.  My sub started yesterday so I'm teaching my classes and teaching him.  It's exhausting, but definitely worth it!!

He's also started hiccuping the last couple weeks which is so cute..annoying.. I mean cute.

Last week we had baby classes, can you believe my husband has never changed a diaper??  I've babysat a million kids and worked in an infant room of a daycare, but I've never bathed a brand new baby or decided when it's an emergency or not, so we had fun.

My in-laws were in town last week too and somehow we decided to take out the infamous throwing knives (remember when I creeped on Dave and posted a pic of him on facebook for everyone to see him being a nerd?) well... now there are pics of me.. 9 months pregnant.. throwing knives... oh dang.

Dave has also been busy on a bookcase for all the awesome books we've gotten from baby showers!

And once again I'm overwhelmed by everyone's generosity.  My coworkers had a baby shower and got the little guy a swing, I've heard that will be a lifesaver!

I'm up 31 pounds which is one pound from last week, so I'm hoping to stay in the 25-35 pounds! WOOHOO!

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