
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

35 Weeks - Coconut

35 weeks!

A couple months ago I said that pregnancy goes by sooooo slow.  Well, maybe it doesn't.  To think I've been pregnant since last July does seem like a really long time and once you find out you're pregnant you wait for the first appointment, then you wait to hear the heartbeat, then you wait until 12 weeks to tell everyone (well, maybe..), then you wait to find out the gender, then you wait to get past the late 20s weeks so that you know that if you have the baby everything will be okay... then... it flies!!  I can't believe we're just 5 weeks away from our due date.

This past week we crossed many more things off the to do list.

  • Went on a hospital tour, so now we know where to go once in labor.
  • Hung the mirror in the nursery.
  • Bought most of the things left on our registry.  I still can't believe how generous people are.
  • Packed the hospital bags.. craziness.
  • Bought the rest of the baby bedding, washed it with Dreft, and put it all in the nursery
  • Got all of my sub plans together for school
We have a dresser full of clothes and those are all for Baby Ball, not even all the hand me downs we've gotten!
So I feel like we're ready to go!

I also had a birthday where friends spoiled me, it was very sweet of them.  Dave was in Peru - so jealous!! And my sister sent this very cute package with stuff for me and stuff for baby.

How cute is the blanket she made?  And the "momma's little cowboy"?  And the Mizzou onesies - yes, we will put him in them!
I didn't gain any weight this week, so I'm still at 28 pounds gained which is perfect! 

A couple other things from the week:

We got to enjoy the 80 degree weather in Houston.
Dave made it back safely from Peru!!

And our dogs are still adorable.. :)

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