
Tuesday, February 5, 2013

29 Weeks - Acorn Squash

I can't believe that next week is in the 30 weeks.

Here I am at 29 weeks, acorn squash, which is smaller than the canteloupe, head of lettuce, etc etc.

In comparison, here I am in the same dress at 13 weeks.  Wow, I've grown!!

This week wasn't nearly as exciting as the past couple.  It's hard to beat Charleston, SC and an adorable baby shower!!

It's been gorgeous in Houston this week and I can fit into sundresses from last summer, so exciting!  It definitely will make it easier this summer/post maternity when you don't want maternity clothes and you don't fit into regular clothes!  

Dave is still working on the gorgeous changing table, more pics to come soon!!

Crib should be delivered next week, yay! 


  1. I love how you hold the fruits/vegetables as comparison, wish I would've thought of that!
