
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

19 weeks - mango - gender reveal - new staircase - Thanksgiving

19 weeks - Baby BOY Ball is a mango!

Wow, what a week it has been!! 

To start with, we had our 18 week appointment on Wednesday and they tell you to go in with a full bladder and it will be a 50 minute appointment.  Do they know me?!!?  I started to literally go crazy and I thought I wasn't going to make the appointment because I couldn't take it any longer, worst experience ever!!!!

But.... then, we got to see the perfect little baby and it made it all worth it!  We got our envelope with either boy or girl and went to the bakery.  The bakery then filled the cupcakes with either pink or blue and we were back home by noon.  Dave and I both had to keep so much self control because we REALLY wanted to peek. 

We went and got my parents that night and went to dinner and by the time we were home from dinner we couldn't wait any longer.  Dad took pictures while we bit into BLUE cupcakes!!  I secretly wanted a boy and had thought it was a boy for most of the time, and we're thrilled!!

On Thursday my grandma and aunt came in and we let them bite into their cupcakes where they saw blue as well, lots of fun.

Thanksgiving was great, we started with an awesome workout at Crossfit then came home and cooked and had family and friends around, it was perfect!

On Friday we got to shop and find great deals and my dad and Dave worked on a project.  This is SOOO worth $200. 

Before it had white spindles..

and after, the new iron staircase!! LOVE it!!!

Before & After - $200 at Home Depot!

Grandma got a project of making baby blue cookies for the students at school too.  Now everyone knows that Baby Ball is a BOY!!

Saturday night we also went to the A&M game, when they played Missouri.  My husband went to Texas A&M, my sister and brother in law went to University of Missouri.. but A&M beat Missouri.  We all had fun.

Such an exciting week, not sure how to top that one :)

OH, and how cute are Buddy and Callie?

At Crossfit, where I talked about it here, I've changed back to deadlifts, but now doing them with a Kettlebell instead (45#)

First Trimester:
  • I felt very weak and tired (no sickness) just pure exhaustion.  So I lowered the weight/intensity on everything.
  • Continued to do all movements though.
  • Took breaks to keep heart rate from getting too high.
Second Trimester (so far) at 19 weeks:
  • Took breaks to keep heart rate from getting too high. Made sure I can talk during the WOD
  • don't squat below 90 degrees (takes a lot to get used to)
  • burpees - still do them, just much more controlled
  • box jumps - do step ups instead
  • broad jumps - I will sub those out, they're probably "too jumpy"
  • Deadlifts - kettlebell (45#)
  • double unders - my double unders are UGLY, and my doctor said not to do anything "too jumpy" so I've done singles instead because they're more controlled and efficient
  • farmer carry - less weight or whatever is comfortable
  • front squat - without being able to squat below 90 my form is awful on the front squat, so I've used a Kettlebell (goblet squat) and just don't squat the whole way
  • goblet squats - do them, just not full depth
  • handstand pushups - Can't do anything upside down (and I hate it/can't do them anyway), so I do seated dumbell push press
  • KettleBell Swings - I had been doing 35 pounds, now I do 25 pounds.
  • Lunges - still feel good, but I've heard these will get difficult
  • overhead squats - attempt with less weight and not full depth
  • power clean - do from hang position
  • prowler push - I don't do this anymore, there's no way to keep your heart rate down during that
  • Pullups - I could do a few kipping pullups pre-pregnancy, I then moved to purple band, then red band, and now I'm at blue band. 
  • push press/shoulder press - still do, just less weight (about 75%) - which is 35/45 pounds rather than 55.. like I said, skinny weak girl to start :)
  • pushups - still comfortable for me, recently switched to knees
  • ring dips - maintained current band
  • row - still do, just not for time
  • run - still do, just no sprinting
  • situps - the scale is knees to elbows, but I hate those so I'm doing russian twists
  • slam ball - still do full depth, just slower and only 10 pounds
  • snatches - attempt with less weight, hang position
  • sumo deadlift high pull - use kettlebell and don't go full depth
  • supermans - I do them on the GHD (and I actually do about 20 at the end of each class to strengthen my back)
  • toes to bar - still attempting to do them, I can do a few in a row
  • wall balls - still do, just not full squat
  • wall climbs - nothing inverted (and let's be honest.. I hate being upside down), so I've done what looks like a backward inchworm

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

18 Weeks - Sweet Potato - Nursery Painted!

Baby Ball is the size of a sweet potato, and what perfect timing since it's Thanksgiving week!! 

I've been waiting for the 18 week appointment for the whole pregnancy and it comes tomorrow!! Yay, can't wait!  It's an exciting and nervous one all at the same time!

Dave was gone again this weekend and we have family coming into town so I had to get the nursery prepped with or without him so that somebody could stay in there over the holiday. 

So I finished painting the trim and wainscoting. (our house is from the 80s so the trim has this horrible pinkish tint).  You can tell, because the door is still pink..

Then picked out this gray color.  It's called Sparrow from Behr at Home Depot. I like coventry gray from Benjamin Moore but couldn't justify spending $50 on a gallon of paint versus $27 and Home Depot.  It has a little bit of a blue tint, which does NOT mean I'm voting for a boy, pink would look cute with it too!

Normally, Dave does all the rolling and I cut in, well, this weekend I got to do it all. I think it came out pretty well!

I then finished by painting the pink door and there you have it, the nursery!

Now.. what will the accent color be?!?! Gender reveal tomorrow on Thanksgiving, yay!!

We'll eat these cupcakes to see if they're filled with pink or blue?! and how cute is Baby Ball?

I'm still feeling great!  Crossfit hasn't changed much this week, still can do the same things as last week.  I've gained about 10 pounds total which is on the upper end of where I should be, but that's okay! 

Such an exciting week!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

17 weeks - onion - Crossfit and pregnant

17 weeks - Onion!

How cute are Buddy and Callie? I'll think they're interested in me, but really it's the onion.
First and foremost - I am not a doctor and don't claim to be.  I got out of school wayyyy before getting there! :)  I'm just saying what has worked for me while doing Crossfit while pregnant.

When I found out I was pregnant I searched the internet for all Crossfit blogs about how to be pregnant and crossfit.  I found the awesome website that tells you what you should do during your first trimester, second trimester, and third trimester.  It also showed these movements and how to substitute them. This helped me tremendously, but what I didn't find was every movement and how real women were working on each thing. 

Luckily, my awesome coach at Crossfit Caveman had just crossfitted (is that a word?) through her pregnancy. I knew there were a couple other people who were pregnant there too, but I didn't want everyone to know I was pregnant.

By looking at the Crossfit mom website I found out that for my first trimester I was probably good.  I told the coaches so they didn't push me too hard. 

The "What to Expect When You're Expecting" Book says that your baby LIKES the change in heart rate and breathing and it emphasizes getting 30 minutes of exercise most days.  Although the whole time I try to maintain a normal heartrate/breathing. Kind of difficult while working out though.  I always make sure I can talk.

Take note that I started Crossfit in January and I got pregnant in July, so I had 6 months of Crossfit beforehand.  I started as a skinny weak girl, so I wasn't RX'ing every movement pre-pregnancy.  I talked about starting crossfit here.

Here's what I have done so far - this doesn't mean it works for everyone!:

First Trimester:
  • I felt very weak and tired (no sickness) just pure exhaustion.  So I lowered the weight/intensity on everything.
  • Continued to do all movements though.
  • Took breaks to keep heart rate from getting too high.
Second Trimester (so far) at 17 weeks:
  • Took breaks to keep heart rate from getting too high. Made sure I can talk during the WOD
  • don't squat below 90 degrees (takes a lot to get used to)
  • burpees - still do them, just much more controlled
  • box jumps - do step ups instead
  • broad jumps - I will sub those out, they're probably "too jumpy"
  • Deadlifts - oddly enough, these feel very difficult because of the "but down, chest up", so I've been subbing them out for something such as KettleBell swings
  • double unders - my double unders are UGLY, and my doctor said not to do anything "too jumpy" so I've done singles instead because they're more controlled and efficient
  • farmer carry - less weight or whatever is comfortable
  • front squat - without being able to squat below 90 my form is awful on the front squat, so I've used a Kettlebell (goblet squat) and just don't squat the whole way
  • goblet squats - do them, just not full depth
  • handstand pushups - Can't do anything upside down (and I hate it/can't do them anyway), so I do seated dumbell push press
  • KettleBell Swings - I had been doing 35 pounds, now I do 25 pounds.
  • Lunges - still feel good, but I've heard these will get difficult
  • overhead squats - attempt with less weight and not full depth
  • power clean - do from hang position
  • prowler push - I don't do this anymore, there's no way to keep your heart rate down during that
  • Pullups - I could do a few kipping pullups pre-pregnancy, I then moved to purple band, then red band, and now I'm at blue band. 
  • push press/shoulder press - still do, just less weight (about 75%) - which is 35/45 pounds rather than 55.. like I said, skinny weak girl to start :)
  • pushups - still comfortable for me, recently switched to knees
  • ring dips - maintained current band
  • row - still do, just not for time
  • run - still do, just no sprinting
  • situps - the scale is knees to elbows, but I hate those so I'm doing russian twists
  • slam ball - still do full depth, just slower and only 10 pounds
  • snatches - attempt with less weight, hang position
  • sumo deadlift high pull - use kettlebell and don't go full depth
  • supermans - I do them on the GHD (and I actually do about 20 at the end of each class to strengthen my back)
  • toes to bar - still attempting to do them, I can do a few in a row
  • wall balls - still do, just not full squat
  • wall climbs - nothing inverted (and let's be honest.. I hate being upside down), so I've done what looks like a backward inchworm
So - what did I forget? I hope this helps somebody who is newly pregnant and I'll continue to update with what I've changed through pregnancy!

At the end of each workout I've done a bunch of pullups because we're doing a 1000 pullup challenge for November and the GHD supermans.

Our coaches and my husband have been WONDERFUL and very supportive the entire time.  They make alternate WODs for workouts that involve all sprinting or rows for time or the team WOD of dodgeball....

As far as what we've been up to this week?  We chose baby names, yay!  We find out next week if it's a boy or a girl and now that we know the names I'm super excited for either!

Dave was at deer camp with the boys so I hung out with the girls.  We went and watched the A&M (woohoo they beat Alabama!) and a guy at the bar tried to buy us all shots.. thank goodness I had an excuse this time ;)!

While the hubby was away.. I.. painted..and painted..and painted!  The nursery is coming along!  I made the mistake and sent a pic of the paint to the boys.. they flipped.  After they researched it all, they told me I was good and I was back to painting!  I wore gloves, opened the windows, used latex paint, and turned on the fan! I was good to go!  Remember here when we started the wainscoting? 

The room all prepped and ready for paint.

                                                           Here it's almost painted.
We still need to the doors and trim around the doors.  And I'm trying to pick the perfect gray color.. we'll see!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

16 Weeks - Avocado - wainscoting

Wow, I can't believe it's already election day and 16 weeks and all!!  Baby Ball is an avocado!

I'm still feeling great! 

Dave worked really hard on the nursery this weekend.  He added wainscoting to the nursery.  It looks awesome!!

Here's the before..

First step was to remove all the base boards.

We went to Home Depot and got the wainscoting panels then chose our baseboards and chair rail.  The hardest part was around the window but I think he did a great job!!

We started by putting little pieces of wood under the board so that it was a little bit raised.  We then drew a level line across the wall.  And added the panels.  We glued then nail gunned.  He cut out spots for outlets.  Around the window he used this cool tool called an angle finder I think.  It looks like the fun toy from when you were little with all the needles that you made shapes with your hands on!

I then spackled and siliconed the nail holes, edges and the corners.  It makes a WORLD of difference!  He added the trim (putting a 45 degree angle on each end) and there you go - wainscoting!!  I made that sound easy.. it took all of Saturday and Sunday with the extra hour from day light savings time used up too!

Now we just need to paint it ALL! More pics to come!


Once we painted it (Valspar Bermuda Sand) and put the crib/changing table in, here it is:

OH.. and.. my mom stopped by our wedding venue for a function and saw a wall of pics of us.  We LOVE Jenny Frazee our photographer and were so happy to see she got the publicity she deserves.  On the wall was this awesome pic that somehow we had missed.  How great is it?!

Oh to fit in that wedding dress right now :)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Edible (eggless) Cookie Dough - perfect for pregnant women!

So, if you ever known anyone in my family, you know that we LOVE sweets.  It might  be the joke at the bar on multiple occasions of just how much powdered sugar we go through for breakfast, or how we put sugar on our tomatoes.  One of the hardest things to get used to while being pregnant has been baking and NOT getting to eat the batter.

There are some desserts that I make just to eat the batter, like these peanut butter and chocolate brownies.

Just the other night while making these rice krispie chocolate chip cookies, I decided I had to try the "cookie dough for preggies" found here.  And let me tell you, it really is that good!! It tastes just like the real thing, except no fear of hurting baby!

Here's what you need:

3/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup butter, softened
1/4 tsp. vanilla
1/4 cup milk
1 cup flour
Pinch salt
1/2 cup chocolate chips

First cream together the brown sugar and butter.

Then mix in vanilla and milk.

Stir in flour, salt and chocolate chips.

How absolutely delicious does this look?!?

I couldn't stop eating it!

I then put it in a plastic bag in the freezer and it's ready for every time the craving comes!!

It should be added to the Pinterest- what works and what doesn't post!

What cravings do you other pregnant women have? And how do you help them?!  FRE - wine removed wine is not very good and doesn't help with wanting to have a glass of wine.  It tastes like a mix of grape juice and wine, which to me tastes like wine gone bad.  I'll just stick to water. I also don't go to sushi restaurants anymore because eating tempura or veggie sushi is just not the same and makes me crazy and depressed as I leave.