
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

16 Weeks - Avocado - wainscoting

Wow, I can't believe it's already election day and 16 weeks and all!!  Baby Ball is an avocado!

I'm still feeling great! 

Dave worked really hard on the nursery this weekend.  He added wainscoting to the nursery.  It looks awesome!!

Here's the before..

First step was to remove all the base boards.

We went to Home Depot and got the wainscoting panels then chose our baseboards and chair rail.  The hardest part was around the window but I think he did a great job!!

We started by putting little pieces of wood under the board so that it was a little bit raised.  We then drew a level line across the wall.  And added the panels.  We glued then nail gunned.  He cut out spots for outlets.  Around the window he used this cool tool called an angle finder I think.  It looks like the fun toy from when you were little with all the needles that you made shapes with your hands on!

I then spackled and siliconed the nail holes, edges and the corners.  It makes a WORLD of difference!  He added the trim (putting a 45 degree angle on each end) and there you go - wainscoting!!  I made that sound easy.. it took all of Saturday and Sunday with the extra hour from day light savings time used up too!

Now we just need to paint it ALL! More pics to come!


Once we painted it (Valspar Bermuda Sand) and put the crib/changing table in, here it is:

OH.. and.. my mom stopped by our wedding venue for a function and saw a wall of pics of us.  We LOVE Jenny Frazee our photographer and were so happy to see she got the publicity she deserves.  On the wall was this awesome pic that somehow we had missed.  How great is it?!

Oh to fit in that wedding dress right now :)

1 comment:

  1. I love that wedding picture and the baby's room! YEAH!
