
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

1968 Camaro

Sooo, this is a post from my point of view, not my husband's.. I'm sure we have very different views on this.  For 5 or 6 years he has been restoring a 1968 Camaro, and it has been a headache to say the least.  Well, after all this time he now has a gorgeous car.

So where did it all start?!

He bought it over eBay while he was in Iraq in 2006 or 2007.  Actually, I think my brother-in-law actually hit "purchase".  The guy who sold it to him found out that he was in Iraq and was nice enough to drive it across the country free of charge.

Dave's dad and the Camaro

Dave got back home and had spent so much time away from home that he decided to pay someone to do the restoration.  They started with a small budget and then after enough time on (don't ever let your husband start looking there..) his dreams got bigger and bigger and bigger... and.. you get the point. 

And then.. it was stripped down to nothing, with lots of views of this (I'm thinking 3 years?)

Well, during the time of waiting for the car to be done.. Dave has:
  • come home from Iraq
  • gotten his MBA
  • during which he had an internship and met... me!
  • got engaged
  • got married (and been married over a year)
  • got a job and worked there for 3.5 years
  • bought a house
  • adopted 3 dogs
  • become a troop commander
but best of all.. after all of that ... he now has his dream car!!!  And it's soo worth it, I think...

and even better.. it won Builder's Choice at Good Guy's in Des Moines Iowa.

I think we should put on a tux and wedding dress and fake like it truly was our getaway car :)

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